Cigar Grotto’s Annual Holiday Cigar Dinner
Join Gregg and I for Cigar Grotto’s Annual Holiday Party
It’s time to bust out the Ugly Sweater, the Glitter and The Shimmer.
Let’s celebrate the amazing year we have had together, the friends who have become family over the years, the new friends we’ve made, and the health and the happiness of all.
Carlsbad Hennessey’s
Thursday December 17, 2015
Starting @ 6:00pm
$29.95 per person
$29.95 per person for the dinner package, dinner served at 7:30, You can purchase cigars and cocktails and celebrate
after 9:00 (no dinner)
A fine Cigar from “The Cigar Grotto”
Pint of Draft Beer
Appetizer Spread
Steak Dinner
“Conversation with other Cigar Aficionado’s & Group Photo”